Excessive Sweating Cures - How To Stop Excessive Perspiration

There are many effective cures to stop excessive sweating. The following are some popular medical cures that are able to help control and prevent excessive sweating.

Antiperspirants. For individuals suffering from light to mild cases of excessive sweating, antiperspirant can be quite effective in controlling the problem. Some antiperspirants such as Drysol, Maxim and Certain Dri contain aluminum chloride which helps stop excessive sweating. Antiperspirants tend to work better with sweaty armpits problems. For other areas such as the foot, hands or face, a better and stronger treatment may be required.

Oral Medication. There are certain medications that your doctor can prescribe to you to help cure your excessive sweating. Several of these drugs that have shown promise include Oxybutynin, Ditropan XL, Robinul, Probanthine and Cogentin however possible side effects that may be caused by the drugs prescribed. Consult with your doctor to get proper medical advice.

Iontophoresis. Many people with sweaty palms, armpits or feet have seen great results with iontophoresis. This treatment involves placing either the palms or foot into two trays of water where a mild electric current is pass through the positively- and negatively-charged trays to stop sweating. Moistened pads is use for the armpits.

Botox ® Treatment. Botox ® is another popular treatment method for preventing excessive sweating. This procedure involves injecting neurotoxins around the affected areas such as the armpits or palms to stop the nerves from stimulating the sweat glands from working. Relief from excessive sweating is temporary and repeated treatments will be required every 4 to 7 months later.

Surgery. Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS) is an invasive surgical procedure to cure your excessive sweating. This procdure involves surgically removing the critical sympathetic nerve that runs alongside the spine that send signals to your sweat glands. ETS is generally considered a safe and effective procedure in treating excessive sweating, however side effects may include excessive sweating on back, thighs, abdomen and legs which can become a problem in the long run.

For more information about the causes and cures for excessive sweating, visit: http://www.stopsweatinghelp.com

Alternatively, if you would like to stop sweaty armpits without drugs or expensive therapy, check out: http://www.excessivesweatcure.com

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Study Finds That Patients With Excessive Sweating Condition Are More Likely to Develop Skin Infections

People with the excessive sweating condition known as hyperhidrosis already have to deal with a number of life-inhibiting social issues. Sweaty palms or unsightly underarm stains can make simple tasks such as shaking hands or raising an arm extremely embarrassing. According to a new study, people with primary hyperhidrosis also have a higher risk of developing skin infections. Fortunately for those with the condition, appropriate treatment by a dermatologist can control these issues.

In the study entitled, "Primary hyperhidrosis increases the risk of cutaneous infection: A case-control study of 387 patients," published online in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, dermatologist Hobart W. Walling, MD, PhD, FAAD, who maintains a private practice in Coralville, IA, found that primary hyperhidrosis patients are more prone to skin infections than those without the condition.

Hyperhidrosis is categorized as either primary (not caused by a separate medical condition or medication) or secondary (caused by an underlying medical condition or medication). Primary hyperhidrosis affects nearly 3 percent of the U.S. population. Symptoms of primary hyperhidrosis include excessive sweating that lasts at least six months with at least two of the following additional characteristics: affects both sides of the body equally, occurs at least once weekly, begins at age 25 or younger, ceases during sleep, and has other family members with the condition.

Dr. Walling and a team of researchers collected medical records for 387 patients who had visited the University of Iowa Department of Dermatology and were diagnosed with primary hyperhidrosis. They also collected records for 410 age- and gender-matched patients who visited the same dermatology department during the same time period and were diagnosed with an unrelated condition.

"Many studies have focused on the social and psychological effects associated with hyperhidrosis, but few studies have focused on the medical consequences of the condition," said Dr. Walling. "Our study set out to examine the physical signs and symptoms of primary hyperhidrosis and to determine the condition's relationship to skin infections in the affected areas."

Of the patients with primary hyperhidrosis, almost three-fifths (58.9%) were female and more than two-fifths (41.1%) were male. More than half of the patients (53.4%) experienced hyperhidrosis in one area of the body, while the remaining patients (46.6%) had multiple affected sites. The most frequently affected sites of hyperhidrosis reported by the patients were the soles (50.1%), followed by the palms (45.2%) and the underarms (43.4%). Other areas affected included the face, scalp, groin and torso, and some reported hyperhidrosis throughout the body.

In addition, a number of the primary hyperhidrosis patients (38.6%) gave information regarding factors that aggravated their condition. Patients noted stress, emotion, anxiety or social situations as the most common (56.7%). Some found that heat or humidity worsened their condition (22%), while others denied any aggravating factors (15.3%).

Dr. Walling and his research team examined the medical records of the primary hyperhidrosis patients in search of coexisting skin infections that affected the areas involved by hyperhidrosis. They then compared these results to the patients without hyperhidrosis who had been diagnosed with a skin infection that affected any area of the body.

The overall risk of developing a skin infection caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses was significantly higher for the patients with primary hyperhidrosis than those without (30% of patients with hyperhidrosis developed a skin infection versus 12.0% of those without). In particular, patients with primary hyperhidrosis had a significantly higher risk of developing a fungal infection in the areas affected by hyperhidrosis (12.1%) than the control group (2.7%). Similarly, the risk of bacterial infection was heightened in primary hyperhidrosis patients (5.4%) versus those in the control group (2.2%) as was the overall risk of viral infection (12.4% of patients versus 7.1% of controls). Also of note, an increased association with atopic or eczematous dermatitis was observed in patients with primary hyperhidrosis (9.3%) versus those without (3.4%).

"The patients in the study waited, on average, nearly nine years after experiencing symptoms of hyperhidrosis before they visited a dermatologist," said Dr. Walling. "It is important that patients know that seeking treatment for hyperhidrosis not only will positively impact their quality of life, but it may help prevent skin infections from occurring and deter other associated complications."

Dr. Walling recommends that if you experience excessive sweating over a prolonged period of time or perspiration that is not triggered by obvious factors, you should consult a dermatologist.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Man Discovers Cure for Excessive Sweating

Mike Ramsey, a middle-aged business man from Texas, stumbled upon a simple all-natural treatment for excessive sweating. He explains the process in his book "Stop Sweating and Start Living."

If you suffer from excessive sweating and are considering pursuing treatment, there's a new book available that could save you money and frustration.

Written by Mike Ramsey, who first started suffering from excessive underarm sweat when he was in high school over 20 years ago, the book is entitled, "Stop Sweating and Start Living."

In the book, Ramsey details his battle with excessive sweating, including all of the various treatments that he has tried over the years that didn't work.

"I tried more than a dozen types of antiperspirants," Ramsey said. "I tried applying antiperspirants several times a day. I wore undershirts to soak up the sweat before it reached my outer shirt. When one undershirt wasn't enough, I tried wearing two undershirts. When I was in my car (alone) I would hold up my arms, aligning them with the air conditioner vents, allowing cold air to flow up my sleeve to cool and dry my armpits. When sitting at my desk I tried to keep my arms away from my sides so that my shirt had less contact with my underarms and wouldn't soak in the sweat so quickly. I took showers morning and night. Sometimes I would come home during lunch to shower as well.

"I wore oversized shirts for better ventilation and to keep my underarms from contacting my shirt. (This didn't work because the sweat would just drip down to my sides and create wet marks near my waistline)," Ramsey continued. "I brought clean undershirts to work and changed several times daily. I purchased a device that pushes electric currents through your skin and supposedly stops underarm sweat for a period. I never found out whether it worked or not because it was incredibly uncomfortable to use, and I knew this was not the solution to my problem."

After nothing that he tried worked, Ramsey was about to give up hope when he and his wife attended a fateful seminar on natural health.

"The seminar actually didn't have anything to do with excessive sweating," Ramsey said. "But what the speaker said got me to thinking and soon led to my discovery."

Ramsey's discovery was practical and unique treatment approach that permanently gets rid of a person's excessive underarm sweat problem - naturally and without side effects.

Ramsey's process is made up of three simple steps, takes less than 1 minute a day to complete and relies on readily available and inexpensive products.

Ramsey adds that the process is easy for a person to incorporate into their morning or evening routine, and he says that it will keep a person's underarm sweat problem away for the rest of their life!

To learn more about your excessive sweating treatment options as well as Ramsey's book, "Stop Sweating and Start Living," and how you can get rid of excessive underarm sweat the safe and natural way, please visit http://www.excessivesweatcure.com, where the book is also available for purchase.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Best Antiperspirant For Excessive Sweating

There is no doubt that excessive sweating is a cause for concern and embarrassment for millions of people around the world. The good news is that there are treatment and remedies that can help stop excessive sweating, and some of the cheapest ways is going to be using the best antiperspirants available.

However, with so many types of antiperspirants in the market, each being touted as "prescriptive or clinical strength" - which one of them is actually the best antiperspirant for excessive sweating?

Obviously if you are suffering from hyperhidorsis, the best antiperspirant for excessive sweating you are going use will definitely need to contain either aluminum chloride or aluminum zirconium in them. This aluminum based formulation has been proven to help block hyperactive sweat glands, preventing sweat from surfacing out.

Out of the many over-the-counter antiperspirant sold in the stores, one of the best antiperspirant brands for excessive sweating that has the mostsuccess in treating hyperhidrosis is Maxim.

Containing 15% aluminum chloride, Maxim is one of the better antiperspirants that dermatologists recommend to their patients for prevention of excessive sweating. Even leading surgeons in the field of ETS (an invasive surgery procedure to stop excessive sweating) prefer Maxim for treating hyperhidrosis over leading prescription brands and OTC brands.

In a recent survey of nearly 300 hyperhidrosis patients, a majority of them who have used Maxim antiperspirant only need to apply Maxim 2 to 3 times every week to stop their excessive sweating problems, making it one of the most effective hyperhidrosis antiperspirants in the market.

Maxim antiperspirant can be use to treat excessive sweating under the arms, breasts, on hands, feet and back. It's unique patented formula also provides protection against odor day and night.

For best results with this antiperspirant, apply to the areas affected by excessive sweating before going to sleep. Consistent use will prevent, control and stop excessive sweat.

Friday, August 14, 2009

How to Cure Excessive Sweating Naturally Without Drugs

Excessive sweating, medically known as hyperhidrosis is an annoying and embarrassing condition characterized by abnormally heavy perspiration, in excess of that required for regulation of body temperature to keep the body cool.

A distressing health condition to suffer from, excessive sweating is also a treatable medical condition and many times it can be treated without the use of medications. The use of natural remedies, as well as a change in lifestyle habits can actually help stop excessive sweating naturally. So if you are looking for solutions on how to stop excessive perspiration naturally without drugs, try the following suggestions.

Antiperspirants. Topical creams such as antiperspirants are aluminum based products that blocks the hyperactive sweat glands, preventing sweat from coming out. While mild antiperspirants are readily available over-the-counter, stronger formulations with more than 20% aluminum chloride need medical prescription. Consistent use of antiperspirants to stop excessive perspiration can produce remarkable effects.

Homeopathy. There is a plethora of natural remedies that homeopathy gives you to prevent excessive sweating. For some patients whose underarm sweat causes body odor, perhaps Acidum Hydrofluoricum can work.

Self Hypnosis. If stress or anxiety is one of the main causes of excessive sweating, addressing the root causes of perspiration via hypnosis makes perfect sense. With self hypnosis, you can use it to calm the sympathetic nervous system responsible for sending signals to the sweat glands. By calming this part of the nervous system, there will be reduce activity of the signals to the sweat glands, thus reducing excessive perspiration.

Diet. You may be surprised how the food you eat may affect sweaty armpits. Fruit is 80% water and has the ability to alleviate toxins in the body, so why not eat lots of it? Another food to use is olive oil, as it is proven to help prevent excessive sweating. Put some in your salad and food, daily. Avoid spicy foods like indian curries, garlic and fish which can cause sweating and body odor.

Personal Hygiene. Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential in controlling and preventing excessive sweaing. Take a shower daily and scrub well. Wear light clothing made of 100% natural fabrics such as cotton, silk and/or wool whenever possible to help keep cool.

Sage Tea. If you are suffering from excessive underarm sweating, washing your armpits with this tea leaves you feeling very fresh and clean. Brew it, wash your sweaty armpits and you are done. This method costs almost nothing to make, it is simple and a healthy alternative to deodorants or surgical type treatments.

For additional information on how to stop excessive sweating naturally, go to http://www.stopsweatinghelp.com - internet leading informational website about all aspects of excessive sweating.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Stop Excessive Armpit Sweating - 5 Ways To Prevent Underarm Sweating

Excessive underarm sweating or excessively sweaty armpits interferes with lives of millions of people all over the world. Following are 5 proven ways to help control and prevent underarm sweating, unpleasant body odor and underarm sweat stains:

1. Antiperspirants
2. Relaxation Techniques
3. Non-Surgical Medical Procedures
4. Surgery
5. Lifestyle Changes


Antiperspirants are aluminum based products that blocks the hyperactive underarm sweat glands, preventing sweat from coming out. While mild antiperspirants are readily available over-the-counter, stronger formulations with more than 20% aluminum chloride need prescription. Antiperspirants are notorious for causing skin irritation, however their consistent use to stop sweaty armpits can produce remarkable effects. Some antiperspirants come combined with a deodorant.

Relaxation Techniques

If you're suffering from extreme underarm perspiration due to some form of anxiety, stress or nervousness, you might want to try relaxation techniques such as meditation or self hypnosis to help you relax your nerves and prevent underarm sweating.

Both mediation and self hypnosis are useful in helping one to maintain the body’s hormonal balance, calming the sympathetic nervous system responsible for sending signals to the sweat glands. Once this part of the nervous system is calm down, there will be reduced activity of the signals to the sweat glands, thus reducing sweating.

Non-surgical Medical Procedures

Oral medication, Botox ® and iontophoresis are the frequently implemented non-surgical medical procedures for preventing excessive armpit sweating. All of them have their own pros and cons. Oral medication for example has general sweat reducing effect. Serious side effects and lack of precise localized activity make oral medication unfavorable for most sufferers of excessive underarm sweating.

While Botox ® is effective in treating underarm sweating, its effectiveness however only last 4 - 8 months. Considering the high costs of th treatment involved, Botox ® may not be feasible for many.

Iontophoresis prevents excessive underarm sweating by passing low intensity electric current to underarm region covered with moistened pads. Consistent treatment brings relief from excessive armpit sweating. Maintenance sessions are needed thereafter.


Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) is the primary surgical treatment recommended to excessive underarm sweating patients when all other treatments fail. ETS involves clamping or the removal of the sympathetic nerves that signal axillary sweat glands to produce sweat. Once these nerves are either incised strategically or blocked with titanium clips, armpit sweat glands fail to receive sweat producing signal from the brain leading to prevention of excessive underarm sweating. Apart from being a serious surgery, a major concern with ETS is that it usually leads to compensatory perspiration making the person sweat profusely in other areas mainly the back, lower legs and thighs.

Lifestyle Changes

Independent of the types of sweating problems, making certain lifestyle changes can go a long way in controlling and preventing excessive armpit sweating. Some simple realistic actions to help tame overactive armpit sweat glands are:

- Drinking more water and having lots of fresh fruits in your daily meals.

- Avoiding eating any spicy and greasy foods.

- Don’t smoke, drink alcohol or consume caffinated drinks.

- Maintain good personal hygiene by taking a shower daily.

- Scrubbing well when taking a shower.

- Wearing loose clothings made of 100% natural fabrics such as cotton, silk and/or wool that will let your underarms breathe more easily.

Excessive underarm sweating is a treatable medical condition. For more information about the causes, treatments and remedies for excessive armpit sweating, visit StopSweatingHelp.com - internet's leading informational website about all aspects of excessive sweating.

Alternatively, if you would like to stop excessive underarm sweating by as much as 95% without drugs or expensive therapy, check out this simple and proven remedy that has help 14,549 people eliminate their excessive sweating in less than 2 weeks!

Monday, July 20, 2009

How Toxins In Our Diet Can Affect Our Health

If you are suffering from excessive sweating and is looking for cures, you may also want to take a minute to read this article about how different toxins in our daily diet can also affect our health.

Are you careful about what you eat? Do you make sure that you’re drinking milk for the calcium and vitamins A and D? Do you take the time to make sure that you’re eating enough fruits and vegetables? Do you eat fish and other lean proteins because you know that they’re supposed to be good for you? Do you take a vitamin supplement daily?

We are told that these are things that are supposed to be good for us. We hear that milk is good for us and that it can help us to lose weight - something that cuts the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other illnesses. Fruits and vegetables provide us with fiber, fluids, vitamins and minerals. Fish is high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are good for heart health and can help our bodies to better absorb vitamins and minerals. Vitamin supplements are designed so that we are able to get those vitamins and minerals into our system - to make up for those that we don’t get in the foods that we eat.

While all of these things are true - fruits and vegetables are good for us, as are milk and fish; vitamin supplements can help us to add things that are missing to our diet - so is the fact that, with many of the foods that we eat, we ingest more than just the things that are good for us. We also consume toxins.

We’re all aware that alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and processed foods that are full of preservatives and trans fats are unhealthy for us. However, many of us are less aware of the ways in which even healthy foods can get in the way of young living - keeping our energy levels up and our bodies healthy.

Don’t believe it? Let’s start with milk - as well as products like yogurt and cheese that are made with milk. Many of us have sensitivities to lactose, the sugar found in milk. Lactose isn’t the only problem with milk however. Because many farmers give their animals growth hormones, the milk that we drink also contains these substances. Similarly, fruits and vegetables come from farms that often use pesticides, substances that are designed to keep animals and insects away from the crops that don’t always wash away with water when we rinse off our foods.

Think that fish is safe? Yes, lean protein is good for us, however it’s been found that many fish - including tuna - contain high levels of mercury. Mercury is a toxin that can affect the ways that we think and feel, causing anxiety and depression. Mercury also can cause headaches, dental problems, irregular heartbeats, weakness, fatigue and even excessive sweating. Vitamin supplements may not always be much better: the vitamins and minerals that they contain are not always included in the right balance, and, depending on your diet, you may find that you take in more of a certain vitamin or mineral than is healthy for your body, causing a vitamin toxicity.

This toxicity gets in the way of young living. It leaves us feeling sluggish. It gives us headaches, stomach discomfort, and can even release free radicals in your body. Over time, these free radicals work to break down our cell walls, creating a risk of developing cancers, heart disease, stroke and other health problems. In order to combat these free radicals, our bodies need antioxidants like those found in young living essential oils.

Essential oils are derived from fruits and other sources and contain antioxidants like vitamins C and E. Young living oils also contain minerals and fruit juices - along with essential oils - that make it so that taking the supplement is a good experience. Not only is it easy to include young living essential oil in your daily routine, but it’s also something that won’t leave a nasty taste in your mouth.

Instead, you’ll find that young living oils can be taken in with a great tasting drink. You’ll notice that your energy levels improve - without the same crash and burn that comes from energy drinks (which contain not only stimulants like caffeine, but also sugar which has its own toxicity within the body). You’ll also know that you feel better: your immune system will function better and you’ll catch fewer colds; in general you’ll feel less sluggish.

That’s not to say that young living oils will take the place of eating a balanced diet. Despite the toxins that can be found in our food, it’s still necessary to eat balanced meals. It’s just to say that young living essential oils are a great addition to your diet once you are making an effort to take better care of yourself.

Friday, July 17, 2009

How To Stop Excessive Sweating And Cure Hyperhidrosis

Suffering from excessive sweating? Discover how to stop excessive sweating and cure hyperhidrosis with treatment and remedies that work!

Excessive sweating, medically known as hyperhidrosis is a very annoying and embarrassing health condition that affects 3% of the world population. While sweating is a normal body process to help regulate the body temperature to keep cool especially during a hot day or during exercise; hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, is a condition characterized by abnormally increased perspiration beyond of that required for regulation of body temperature for no specific reason.

Individuals who suffer from hyperhidrosis sweat through out the day even at cool temperature and sweat even more when they feel anxious or nervous. The main areas where excessive sweating typically occurs are usually on the hands, underarms, face and foot.

According to doctors, the exact main cause of excessive sweating is unknown, however fortunately, hyperhidrosis is not an incurable condition and there are actually many remedies and treatment options available to help stop excessive sweating.

Less invasive forms of treatment include antiperspirants that contain alumium chloride to oral medications that have the ability to block the neurotransmitter which initiates sweating.

You will also find that resorting to the usage of homeopathy, acupuncture or relaxation techniques like mediation, hypnosis and other herbal treatments can help you to bring excessive sweating under control.

Additional simple habits like maintaining proper hygiene by bathing daily, wearing loose fitting clothes to keep cool and avoiding spicy foods can also play a vital role in controlling and preventing excessive sweat.

When antiperspirants, medications or natural remedies fail to stop excessive sweating, more invasive excessive sweating treatment methods such as iontophoresis, Botox ® and surgery are recommended. However, do understand that some of these invasive procedures may include some side effects therefore you should fully understand what to expect from each of them before going ahead with the treatment.

For additional information about how to stop and cure excessive sweating, visit Stop Sweating Help - internet leading informational website about all aspects of excessive sweating.

Alternatively, if you would like to stop excessive sweating by as much as 95% without drugs or expensive therapy, check out http://www.excessivesweatcure.com